Saturday, May 19, 2018


You dressed yourself today ???
You ate what you like yesterday ?
You danced in a funny way ??
And you still say you're sad anyway !!
So what made you dress,eat and dance allway !!??
And when someone asks you soo,just say  -
COzz  Happiness Is My  Way

You make wrong decisions in a silly way !
You just can't stand somethings you say !
Because maybe you had a bad day !!
So just let go off the world and say....
         I do what makes me happy and I only be with the one who makes me smile and say -
COzz  Happiness  Is  My  Way

Just cling towards GOD in each way !
Since he has better plans for you, believe, convince yourself today !
And then the only person on earth who can make you happy, will be YOU today !!
So scream and say -
COzz  Happiness  Is  My Way

Take a smile..
Give a smile..
Show your style..
Wait a while..
Look beyond imperfections all way..
Make your Tears Expensive for everyone today !
Because trust me, Happiness doesn't come TO YOU, instead comes just FROM YOU,each day !
And then,
You will be exactly as happy as you wish to be whole day !!
And if I have made you happy by this little effort of mine today..
Just give a smile and drop a comment and say -


Let  It  Go..! Do you love someone to the core ?❤ Do you promise to be with them till & after the shore !?πŸ’ž But all they do i...